quote one of our
pilgrims: "Today’s walk really gives The Saint Andrew’s Way
its teeth". Were the views as he ascended Munduff Hill breathtaking, or
was it
the gradient? After resting by the summit cairn [456m] we go
through a gate and pass a meteorological station in a forest before
descending past West Feal Farm. Our route heads across the dam of
Harperleas Reservoir and above Ballo Reservoir to Craigmead car park.
A path to Falkland goes down
Den. A ‘den’ in Fife is a valley. We soon get some
surprises: the Way takes us behind the Yad Waterfall; one
over Maspie Burn is itself crossed by another bridge; and a
pedestrian tunnel reveals daylight in front of us as panic was about
to break out. Visits to flower-bedecked Falkland village are
incomplete without checking-out Falkland Palace. |